Insights visualisation and data management

One platform that keeps everyone on the same page. Unlimited users, unlimited access, fixed fee, fast deployment, and accuracy. Leverage insights developed by your industry sector peers.

Group 487-1

Insights that matter!

We provide real-time practical insights to help address your challenges, both in the short and long term. If required, we can also pool sector knowledge from customers who share similar complex data environments and challenges.

Group 491

Peace of mind

Our customers gain significant advantages from quantifiable improvements in predictions, particularly in situations where infrequent and significant events occur, and where there may be limited availability of data. If obtaining data poses a challenge, we are here to help.

Group 576

8 weeks to achieve greater accuracy from less data

We provide a fixed fee set-up, and industry-standard SaaS pricing and delivery. This assures our customers we will continually predict what matters to them, with insights that are scientifically based.

Group 570

Why our expertise matters

We are recognised as providing difficult-to-access insights. Examples include; the detection of lightning ignitions, predicting catastrophic failures, and governance risks associated with PII. In every case, there are large financial and operational impacts when not addressing known governance and compliance risks.

Group 593